HELMET COLLECTORS.com Edolin1945@yahoo.com
You will find "ORIGIANAL" WW1 and WW2 German helmets for the military
enthusiast or collector.
"German Helmet Collectors".com offers a variety of German and Foreign helmets. Browse
through these pages and you will find:
Original helmets of both world wars, from Germany and other countries.
Helmet Gallery. A tour of part of my collection and are not for sale.
Helmets For Sale. A list of current helmets
offered for sale or trade.
"German Helmet Collectors" is the best of my 30+ years of collecting and dealing in steel
helmets of all countries from the period 1915-1945. There is something here for everybody who is interested in the subject
of the German steel helmet. Whether you are a beginning collector or just hold an interest in militaria in general, a look
through these pages may provide you with an interesting view or even an addition to your collection.
I can be contacted
at the e-mail address that appears at the bottom of each page on this site. Do not hesitate to write to me with any questions,
comments or observations. Contact Information at this Telephone Number: 248-674-4618
For shipping costs US and International, Please see TERMS
For Information or to place an ORDER with PAY PAL please use this address: Edolin1945@yahoo.com